ChatGPT Lowering the Barrier for Getting Stuff Done
July 6, 2023

A first-hand account of how AI models like ChatGPT can streamline the web development process, making it more accessible for a broader range...

Bike Camping Guide (How to Plan Your First Trip!)
May 28, 2023

Unleash your inner adventurer with bike camping! This guide offers insights, planning tips, and gear recommendations for your first bike cam...

Living Car-Free Saved Me $6,976 in 2022
February 10, 2023

Another year has ended, and it’s time to reflect on living car-free for another year. TL;DR: In 2022, I saved $6,976.39 by not owning ...

Apollo Ghost Brake Pads for CHEAP
November 10, 2022

I purchased an Apollo Ghost scooter last year to replace my Ride1Up Core-5 eBike. After 680 miles of epic riding I needed to replace my brak...

My Empire State Trail Bike Tour
June 5, 2022

I rode the Empire State Trail from Buffalo, NY to Albany, NY. This is my bike tour diary.

Bike Commuting Saved Me $4k in 2021
January 4, 2022

I chose to not own a car for a year and saved over $4k in the process. Getting around by bike, on foot, and using rideshare services.

From Magic to Marketing: My Career Journey
October 24, 2020

From highscool magician to marketing manager. How did I get here?

VESA Pipe Monitor Mount Solution
October 5, 2020

My solution for mounting my ultrawide monitor to my pipe frame desk. Review – Is it Legit and Does it Work?
September 19, 2020

My experience using to exchange currency and transfer funds abroad.

How I Saved a Thousand Dollars a Year on My Subscriptions
September 16, 2020

How I saved hundreds of dollars a month on subscriptions and decided what I could cut out of my budget and maintain my happiness quotient.