What I’m Doing Now

Published on July 20, 2023

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Summer is Here

It’s the time of year when you’ll find me in the woods or on the trail on a weekly basis. I picked up a Canyon Spectral 29 full-suspension bike a few months ago and ripping down the hills on it has been a blast.

My parents and I are in search of some land to buy. We’d like to build a personal retreat, somewhere we can escape to during warm months and enjoy nature. Public campgrounds have their perks, but it’s nice to be truly alone sometimes. We’ve found a parcel that we’re pursuing, but it’s too early to call that a done deal.

Speaking of camping, I’m getting ready to embark on my first MTB camping trip this week. I’m going to be staying at a park and riding during the day. I’ve only ever camped by bike, which given its form has some limitations to what you can bring. So I’m taking a bit of a bigger tent and a few more supplies now that my means of transportation is a car. We’ll see if that affects the fun of the trip at all.

Meet the Author

Ethan Thompson is a Divisional Marketing Manager for a global safety company. He has worked in the digital marketing field for 13 years and loves the challenges the ever-changing field brings. When he isn't exploring new digital marketing tactics at his desk, he's out exploring Western New York. During the warmer months, he can often be seen riding his bike around the Empire State and sampling the local beer selection.