Redefining Work: Embracing Effort in the Job You Love

Published on November 12, 2023

Confucius working at a desk

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Source: Unknown-ish

Some might argue that a job one loves can feel less like work.

But I believe this stems from a poor definition of what “work” is.

I would re-word this as:

“Choose a job you love, and you will work every moment you can.”

Because in reality, work is an “activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.”

Work requires effort, not necessarily payment.

Things worth doing always require effort. Therefore, if you’ve found something you love and it is worth doing, it will require work.

So, work is not something to be avoided but to be embraced.

I believe the more difficult challenge is to choose a job you love and not spend every waking moment fixated on it.

This is the challenge I pose to both you and myself today.

Meet the Author

Ethan Thompson is a Divisional Marketing Manager for a global safety company. He has worked in the digital marketing field for 13 years and loves the challenges the ever-changing field brings. When he isn't exploring new digital marketing tactics at his desk, he's out exploring Western New York. During the warmer months, he can often be seen riding his bike around the Empire State and sampling the local beer selection.