Learning Graphic Design: Resources & Courses

Self-initiated education is the way to learn something. But, sometimes, it is hard to know where to start. Especially in a world where “free” education is abundant and quality isn’t. Here are the resources I recommend checking out if you want to get started in graphic design.
Resources and courses to learn design theory. Think of this as the “Design 101” series.
- The Principles of Design
- Rules of Composition
- Color Theory
- Typographic Hierarchies
- Complete Graphic Design Course Explaining Psychology
- Updating Deiter Ram’s 10 Principles
- Three Ways that Good Design Makes You Happy
Practical examples that show how design principles are applied.
Sometimes everyone needs a helping hand or a how-to. These are how-to’s broken down by tool. Some of the learning overlaps, but some don’t. These are the tutorials I wished I had watched while learning these tools.
Designers to Follow
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